24x24 acrylic, $2800, commissions in this style are available. Prices vary with size and subject. Email for a quote.
8x10 framed to 16x20, watercolor, $425
Commissions in this style are available. Prices vary with size and subject. Email for a quote.
8x10 framed to 16x20, watercolor, $425
Commissions in this style are available. Prices vary with size and subject. Email for a quote.
8x10 framed to 16x20, watercolor, $425
Commissions in this style are available. Prices vary with size and subject. Email for a quote.
8x10 framed to 16x20, watercolor, $425
Commissions in this style are available. Prices vary with size and subject. Email for a quote.
5x5 watercolor, framed, $75
5x5 watercolor, framed, $75
5x5 watercolor, framed, $75
5x5 watercolor, framed, $75
5x5 watercolor, framed, $75
5x5 watercolor, framed, $75
5x7 watercolor framed to 11x14, $235
5x7 watercolor framed to 11x14, $235
5x7 watercolor framed to 11x14, $235
11x14 watercolor, framed
5x8 watercolor
framed, hand-made paper
5x8 watercolor
framed, hand-made paper
8-inch round watercolor on woodblock
8-inch round watercolor on woodblock
11x14 watercolor, framed
Top Row (left to right): “Glowing, “High Carry”
Bottom Row (left to right): “Too Tiny,” “Is This Your First?”
5x5 watercolor on woodblock
24x36 acrylic
5x7 watercolor, framed
8x8 watercolor on paper, hand-deckle edge, mounted on 1.5 gold-painted wood
8x8 watercolor on paper, hand-deckle edge, mounted on 1.5 gold-painted wood
8x8 watercolor on paper, hand-deckle edge, mounted on 1.5 gold-painted wood
Mounted with gold paint
8x8 watercolor on paper, hand-deckle edge, mounted on 1.5 gold-painted wood
11x14 watercolor on paper, hand-deckle edge, mounted on 1.5 gold-painted wood, framed.
11x14 watercolor, 2018
8x10 watercolor, 2018
hand-deckled edge, framed
5x7 watercolor, 2018
hand-deckled edge, framed
SOLD. Silent auction Our Lady of Lourdes
11x14 watercolor, 2018
hand-deckled edge, framed
11x14 watercolor, 2018
hand-deckled edge, framed
11x14 watercolor, 2018
hand-deckled edge, framed
11x14 watercolor, 2018
hand-deckled edge, framed
Sold, but can be duplicated by request.
8x10 watercolor, 2018
hand-deckled edge, framed
5x7 watercolor, 2018
hand-deckled edge, framed
5x8 watercolor, 2018
hand-deckled edge, framed
5x8 watercolor, 2018
hand-deckled edge, framed
11x14 watercolor, 2017
Sold at Barnel's Art and Framing Gallery. Can be reproduced by request
5x7 watercolor, 2018
hand-deckled edge, framed
5x8 watercolor, 2018
hand-deckled edge, framed
5x8 watercolor, 2018
hand-deckled edge, framed
5x8 watercolor, 2018
hand-deckled edge, framed
8x10 watercolor, 2017
Sold, but can be duplicated by request.
11x14 watercolor, 2017
Sold, but can be duplicated by request.
8x8, watercolor 2016
5x7 watercolor, 2018
AHBA 2018 Auction item
5x5 watercolor, 2017
Can be purchased at Barnel's Art and Framing Gallery.
Bird's Eye
5x5 watercolor, 2017
Can be purchased at Barnel's Art and Framing Gallery.
8x8 watercolor, 2017
Can be purchased at Barnel's Art and Framing Gallery.
11x14 watercolor, 2019
hand-deckle edge, framed
11x14 watercolor, 2019
hand-deckle edge, framed
16x20 watercolor, 2019
hand-deckle edge, framed
16x20 watercolor, 2019
hand-deckle edge, framed
8x10 watercolor, 2019
hand-deckle edge, framed
11x14 watercolor, 2019
hand-deckle edge, framed
7x10 watercolor, 2019
Rag Paper, framed
7x10 watercolor, 2019
Rag Paper, framed
11x14 watercolor, 2019
hand-deckle edge, framed
8x10 watercolor, 2019
hand-deckle edge, framed
8x10 watercolor, 2019
5x7 watercolor, 2019
hand-deckle edge, framed
5x7 watercolor, 2019
hand-deckle edge, framed
8x8 watercolor, 2019
hand-deckle edge, framed
8x8 watercolor, 2019
hand-deckle edge, framed
11x14 watercolor
11x14 watercolor, 2019
hand-deckle edge, framed
7x10 watercolor, 2019
Rag Paper, framed
5x7 watercolor, 2019
hand-deckle edge, framed
5x7 watercolor, 2019
hand-deckle edge, framed
8x10 watercolor, 2019
hand-deckle edge, framed
11x14 watercolor, 2019
hand-deckled edge, framed
5x7 watercolor, hand-deckle edge, framed
8x10 watercolor, hand-deckle edge, framed
5x7 watercolor, hand-deckle edge, framed
5x7 watercolor, 2019
hand-deckle edge, framed
24x24 watercolor, 2019
hand-deckle edge, framed
11x14 watercolor, 2019
hand-deckle edge, framed
watercolor, 2019
hand-deckle edge, framed
11x14 watercolor, 2019
hand-deckle edge, framed
5x5 watercolor on paper, hand-deckle edge, mounted on 1.5 gold-painted wood
10x20 acrylic
5x5 watercolor on paper, hand-deckle edge, mounted on 1.5 gold-painted wood
11x14 watercolor, 2019
5x7 watercolor
5x5 watercolor on paper, hand-deckle edge, mounted on 1.5 gold-painted wood
8x10 watercolor
11x14, watercolor
5x5 watercolor on paper, hand-deckle edge, mounted on 1.5 gold-painted wood
8x10 watercolor
8 inch circle, watercolor on paper, hand-deckle edge, mounted on 1.5 gold-painted wood
10x20 acrylic
8 inch circle, watercolor on paper, hand-deckle edge, mounted on 1.5 gold-painted wood
8 inch circle, watercolor on paper, hand-deckle edge, mounted on 1.5 gold-painted wood
5x7 watercolor, 2018
hand-deckled edge, framed
8x10 watercolor, 2018
hand-deckled edge, framed
5x7 watercolor, 2018
hand-deckled edge, framed
8x10 watercolor, 2018
5x7 watercolor, framed 2018
5x7 watercolor, 2018
5x7 watercolor, 2018
16x20 watercolor, framed 2018
Hangs at Tri City Physical Therapy
5x7 watercolor, 2018
hand-deckled edge, framed
8x8 watercolor, framed 2017
8x8 watercolor, 2017
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
5x7 watercolor, 2017
Can be purchased at Barnel's Art and Framing Gallery.
11x14 watercolor, 2017
5x7 watercolor, 2017
Can be purchased at Barnel's Art and Framing Gallery.
8x10 watercolor, 2017
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
8x10 watercolor, 2017
Can be purchased at Barnel's Art and Framing Gallery.
11x14 watercolor, 2017
Can be purchased at Barnel's Art and Framing Gallery.
8x10 watercolor, 2017
Can be purchased at Barnel's Art and Framing Gallery.
5x7 watercolor, 2017
Can be purchased at Barnel's Art and Framing Gallery.
5x7 watercolor, 2017
Can be purchased at Barnel's Art and Framing Gallery.
5x7 watercolor, 2017
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
16x20, acrylic 2016
Sold, but can be reproduced.
16x20, acrylic 2016
12x12 acrylic on canvas, 2016
16x20, acrylic 2016
8x10 acrylic on canvas, 2016
16x20, acrylic 2016
12x12 acrylic on canvas, 2016
11x14, watercolor 2016
Available at Barnel's - The Art & Framing Gallery.
12x12 acrylic on canvas, 2016
11x14, watercolor 2016
Available at Barnel's - The Art & Framing Gallery.
9x9, watercolor 2016
11x14, watercolor 2016
Sold, but can be reproduced.
11x14, watercolor 2016
Sold, but can be reproduced.
8x10 watercolor 2016
Available at Barnel's - The Art & Framing Gallery.
8x10 watercolor 2016
Available at Barnel's - The Art & Framing Gallery.
8x10, watercolor 2016
Sold, but can be reproduced.
5x7, watercolor 2016
Sold, but can be reproduced.
5x7, watercolor 2016
Sold, but can be reproduced.
8x10 watercolor, 2018
hand-deckled edge, framed
Lauren loves flowers and is inspired by the colors they all possess! Since 2014, she has been painting botanicals of all kinds. All sold paintings can be reproduced, and Lauren takes requests for new subjects via email. Please allow at least three weeks for a painting to be complete. Email Lauren for these prices!
16x20 watercolor. Hand-deckle edge mounted on wood plank with gold painted edges.
18x24 watercolor. Hand-deckle edge mounted on wood plank with gold painted edges.
16x20 watercolor. Hand-deckle edge mounted on wood plank with gold painted edges.
18x24 watercolor. Hand-deckle edge mounted on wood plank with gold painted edges.
24x36 watercolor on paper, hand-deckle edge, mounted on 1.5 gold-painted wood
24x36 watercolor on paper, hand-deckled edge, mounted on 1.5 gold-painted wood
11x14 watercolor
11x14 watercolor
11x14 watercolor, 2018
hand-deckled edge, framed
Sold, but can be reproduced by request.
8x10 watercolor, 2018
deckled edge, framed
8x10 watercolor, 2018
hand-deckled edge, framed
11x14 watercolor, 2018
hand-deckled edge, framed
Sold, but can be reproduced by request
8x10 watercolor, 2018
hand-deckled edge, framed
11x14 watercolor, framed 2018
8x10 watercolor, 2018
hand-deckled edge, framed
SOLD, auction item at Louisiana Arts and Science Museum Gala
8x10 watercolor, 2018
hand-deckled edge, matted
5x7 watercolor, 2018
hand-deckled edge, framed
5x7 watercolor, 2018
hand-deckled edge, framed
8x8 watercolor, 2017
Can be purchased at Barnel's Art and Framing Gallery.
8x8 watercolor, framed 2017
8x8 watercolor, 2017
8x8 watercolor, 2017
5x7 watercolor, 2018
SOLD silent auction, Boys & Girls Club of Acadiana
8x8 watercolor, 2017
5x7 watercolor, 2017
8x8 watercolor, framed 2017
5x7 watercolor, framed 2018
8x10 watercolor, 2018
8x8 watercolor, 2017
11x14 watercolor, 2018
8x10 watercolor, 2018
hand-deckled edge, framed
5x7 watercolor, 2017
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
8x10 watercolor, 2017
11x14 watercolor, 2017
5x7 watercolor, 2017
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
8x10 watercolor, 2016
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
8x10 watercolor, 2017
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
5x7 watercolor, 2017
5x7 watercolor 2017
8x8, watercolor 2017
8x8 watercolor, 2017
Can be purchased at Barnel's Art and Framing Gallery.
5x7 watercolor, 2017
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
8x10 watercolor, 2017
5x7 watercolor, 2017
Can be purchased at Barnel's Art and Framing Gallery.
5x7 watercolor, 2017
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
8x10 watercolor, 2017
5x7 watercolor, 2017
8x8, watercolor 2016
8x8, watercolor 2016
8x8, watercolor 2016
8x10, watercolor 2016
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
11x14, watercolor 2016
Available at Barnel's - The Art & Framing Gallery.
8x10, watercolor 2016
Available at Barnel's - The Art & Framing Gallery.
8x10, watercolor 2016
Sold at Acadienne's Moonlight and Music Concert silent auction on March 12, 2016.
8x8, watercolor 2016
8x8, watercolor 2016
SOLD, but can be reproduced by request.
8x8, watercolor 2015
8x8 watercolor, 2016
8x8 watercolor, 2016
8x8 watercolor, 2016
8x8, watercolor 2015
8x8, watercolor 2015
8x8, watercolor 2016
8x8, watercolor 2016
Available at Barnel's - The Art & Framing Gallery.
12x12, watercolor 2016
Can be purchased at Barnel's Art and Framing Gallery.
8x8, watercolor 2016
8x8, watercolor 2016
4x4, watercolor 2016
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
8x8, watercolor 2016
4x4, watercolor 2016
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
8x8 2016
5x7, watercolor 2016
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
11x14, watercolor 2016
Can be purchased at Barnel's Art and Framing Gallery.
8x8, watercolor 2016
8x8, watercolor 2015
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
8x8, watercolor 2015
8x8, watercolor 2015
8x8, watercolor 2015
8x10, watercolor 2015
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
8x8, watercolor 2015
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
8x8, watercolor 2015
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
8x8, watercolor 2015
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
8x8, watercolor 2015
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
8x8, watercolor 2014
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
8x8, watercolor 2015
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
8x8, watercolor 2015
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
8x8, watercolor 2014
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
8x8, watercolor 2015
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
8x8, watercolor 2014
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
8x8, watercolor 2015
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
8x8, watercolor 2015
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
8x8, watercolor 2015
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
9x12, watercolor 2015
Sold, but can be reproduced.
11x17, watercolor 2015
8x10, watercolor 2015
Can be purchased at Barnel's Art and Framing Gallery.
8x12, watercolor 2015
Can be purchased at Barnel's Art and Framing Gallery.
Portraits are created by request via email. Please allow at least three weeks for a painting to be complete. Prices are subject to change, please email for a quote.
11x14 watercolor
6x6 watercolor
6x6 watercolor
16x20 watercolor, framed
8x10, watercolor
8x10, watercolor
8x8 watercolor
12x18 watercolor
8x10 watercolor
8x10 watercolor
8x10 watercolor
11x11, watercolor
8x10, watercolor
5x7, watercolor
5x7, watercolor
8x10, watercolor
8x10 watercolor, 2017
8x8 watercolor, 2017
Can be purchased at Barnel's Art and Framing Gallery.
5x7 watercolor, 2017
Can be purchased at Barnel's Art and Framing Gallery.
5x7 watercolor, framed 2017
5x7 watercolor, 2018
hand-deckled edge, framed
5x7 watercolor, 2018
hand-deckled edge, framed
5x7 watercolor, framed 2018
11x14 watercolor, 2017
(framed by Barnel's Framing and Art Gallery)
The Big Easel's 2017 "Best Work on Paper"
8x10 acrylic on canvas, 2016
5x8 watercolor, 2018
5x8 watercolor, 2018
8x10 watercolor, 2017
8x8 watercolor, 2017
Can be purchased at Barnel's Art and Framing Gallery.
8x10 watercolor
8x10 watercolor
5x7 watercolor
5x7 watercolor
8x10, watercolor
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
6x8 watercolor
11x14, watercolor
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
11x14, watercolor
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
5x7 watercolor
Sold, but can be reproduced.
11x14 watercolor
5x7 watercolor
8x10 watercolor
8x10 watercolor
8x10 watercolor
8x10 watercolor
5x7 watercolor
5x7 watercolor
8x10 watercolor
Sold, but can be reproduced.
8x10, watercolor
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
8x10 watercolor
5x7, watercolor
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
5x7 watercolor
5x7 watercolor
8x10 watercolor
8x10 watercolor
5x7 watercolor
A Louisiana native, Lauren enjoys the culture from every part of the state. All sold paintings can be reproduced, and Lauren takes requests for new subjects via email. Please allow at least three weeks for a painting to be complete. Email Lauren for these prices!
11x14, watercolor 2016
Available at Barnel's - The Art & Framing Gallery.
5x7 watercolor, 2016
8x10 watercolor, 2016
5x7 watercolor, 2016
8x10, watercolor 2015
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
11x14 watercolor, 2016
Sold, but can be reproduced.
8x10 watercolor 2016
Can be purchased at Barnel's Art and Framing Gallery.
5x7 watercolor, 2016
11x14, watercolor 2016
Available at Barnel's - The Art & Framing Gallery.
8x10, watercolor 2015
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
8x10, watercolor 2016
Can be purchased at Barnel's Art and Framing Gallery.
8x10 watercolor 2016
Available at The Glenwood Village Tea Room.
8x10 watercolor, 2016
Sold, but can be reproduced.
8x10, watercolor 2016
8x10 watercolor 2016
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
8x10 watercolor 2016
5x7, watercolor 2015
8x10 watercolor 2016
Available at The Glenwood Village Tea Room.
8x10, watercolor 2016
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
8x10, watercolor 2016
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
8x10 watercolor 2016
Available at The Glenwood Village Tea Room.
8x10 watercolor 2016
Available at The Glenwood Village Tea Room.
8x10, watercolor 2016
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
8x10 watercolor, 2016
Sold, but can be reproduced.
8x10, watercolor 2016
Sold, but can be reproduced.
8x10, watercolor 2016
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
5x7, watercolor 2016
8x10, watercolor 2015
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
8x10, watercolor 2015
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
8x10, watercolor 2015
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
8x10, watercolor 2015
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
5x7, watercolor 2015
8x10, watercolor 2016
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
8x10 watercolor 2016
Sold, but can be reproduced.
4x6, watercolor 2016
Sold, but can be reproduced.
5x7, watercolor 2016
Sold, but can be reproduced.
5x7, watercolor 2015
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
8x10, watercolor 2015
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
8x10, watercolor 2015
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
8x10, watercolor 2015
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
5x7, watercolor 2015
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
8x10, watercolor
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
8x10 watercolor
Sold, but can be reproduced.
5x7, watercolor 2015
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
8x10, watercolor 2015
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
5x7, watercolor 2015
5x7, watercolor 2015
8x10, watercolor 2016
12x16, acrylic 2016
Sold but can be duplicated by request via email.
8x10, watercolor 2016
All animal portraits are commission based. Contact Lauren to have yours made!
3 4x4s, watercolor
4x4 watercolor
8x10 watercolor
Looking for the perfect wedding gift? Lauren can incorporate details from any event by painting onto the bride's invitation. It makes a unique keepsake for any newlywed! Please allow three weeks for a painting to be complete.
Each painting was made special for each nursery and was painted to match colors and themes. Email Lauren for prices!